4th and 8th

Two exciting events happened in the past week, and me without my camera. Blast. I'm trying to get pictures from Adams sister so we will see. ANYWAY...

On the third of July I came home totally excited to go home and spend the 4th with my family, nieces and nephews, mom and dad and brother and sister. I couldn't have been more excited...until my car started flashing the battery light at me. I was annoyed and thought about just getting my huband in the car and driving...and then sighed to myself because I knew that would only last like 10 seconds because he would have to turn on the AC and then the lights would start flashing and he would turn around and get the car checked out. He is so concerned about our safety. What a good hubby. Well I told him about the light and he checked it out, and decided a fan belt was loose. We called around and found the only place open would be Jiffy Lube so we trucked it down there as quickly as we could and wouldn't ya know it? They didn't have the right size belt. I lost it. I started bawling, it had been a rough week, and I just wanted to chill. I haven't been able to just relax with my family since I got engaged...almost 8 months ago. My poor husband just stood there for a second not quite sure what to do and then hustled me to the car to save my dignity, where he tried to console his crazy wife. We decided to go to dinner and postpone our trip and get the car taken care of.

So we spent the afternoon and evening at Adam's family's home in Heber. Adam is a bit of a tease and has decided it would be fun to pour cold water on me while I'm in the shower so I thought I might take my revenge by arming our nieces and nephews (sisters too muaw ha ha ha) with squirt guns and attack. Well this started an all out war and some of the stinkers turned on me! With my own squirt guns! It was a lot of fun. Mom Gale barbecued stakes and chicken and it was FABULOUS. When it got dark Adam's brother, Matthew, lit off some fireworks and it was wonderful especially since Adam didn't once catch himself on fire, which we all expected and there was a pool of water that we could push him into. We had a really good time...except that I left my wallet up there....which meant another trip up to Heber on Sunday because my car was out of gas and I needed the card. So we visited with his family a little more and it was fun.

Monday we went to Tucanos to begin Adams birthday celebration. It was fabulous and we both left having meat hallucinations. If you have questions about what Tucanos, ask we are happy to tell anyone we can about it. They should pay us we are their best advertisers.

Tuesday was Adams 34th birthday. He worked and I didn't wake up until 11 AM (There is a SEVERE lack of sleep going on in our house.) He came home and asked where his present was, and I teased him a little telling him he hasn't been good enough to get a present...that didn't last long because he knew I had them. So he got his present (the burning crusade update for both of the geeks in the house). I also got him a new movie. We went up to his family, and on the way stopped at Costco to get his cake (it was so cute with a skateboarder on it!) At the check out people asked me how old my son was, and I admitted, somewhat sheephisly, that it was for my 34 year old husband. Everyone got a kick out of that. So back up the canyon to Heber and we got to chillax with the Gale family again. Adam had requested do it yourself pizzas. So Mom Gale got all the toppings and biscuts and we made our own little pizzas. They were yummy. It was time for candles and that made Adam unhappy. He couldn't stand the thought of all that wax driping from soooooooo many candles on his cake so we just got a 3 and a 4 and an over the hill candle and overall I think he had a pretty good birthday. Thanks Mom and Dad Smith for the card and Gale family to :).

09 July 2008


Anonymous said...

I LOVE birthdays! Sounds like Adam had a good one. I also LOVE Tucanos. I took Daren there for the first time (I know, he is a slacker) just a couple weeks ago... and he liked it too. Sorry you're fourth didn't work out like you wanted, but it sounds like it still was fun. You are amazing! Remember that!

G said...

I love christy!! happy birthday adam.

Kendra said...

Happy Birthday Adam! We missed you but we're glad you had a good time!

Vanisi Family said...

How fun! Pangee, at least you have his family around too. That's something that's helped us. It's nice knowing that even if I can't be with my fam for holidays/special events, I can still hang out with the in-laws!
Love to you & Adam.
P.S. Send Jill's info please! I want to talk to her!

Kimi said...

Don't you just love car trouble. ugh. Next time you do make it to Sunny (and by sunny I mean terribly hot) Southern Utah you'll have to stop and say hello.

Erica said...

I'm a link follower, but I have to stop long enough to post:

Congratulations on your wedding!!!!