I have detrmined that the universe does not want me to coupon. It's true!! Before you gufaw and snort, hear me out. I threw a lot of my papers in a pile and then when I went to get the coupons, NOT THERE. *sigh* I finally found one coupon, out of two so I Guess 50% isn't bad, and I only found one couponed deal that I was REALLY interested in but oh well.
So I got to the store, and started shopping, I was pretty excited about some of the stuff I was getting, like $4 off on petite serloin stakes (saved $15 right there) and spaghetti O's 2 for a dollar. Then it came to the pork chops. I don't usually buy them so I don't know how good of a deal $1.29 a pound for them is. Anyway I picked them up, tucked my list underneath my arm, bagged the chops and put them in the cart and grabbed shopping list to see what other great deals I had found, and what else we needed that we couldn't get on sale. My hand clasped around empty air. I was so frusterated. We got through shopping, and I spent a total of 83 something. I have no idea how much I saved because Macey's dosen't tell you. So now I feel frusterated, because I spent more than I planned to, and have no clue how to figure out if I saved enough to make it worth it.
So next week...I guess we try again, but if it's like this again, I'm giving up!
The grocery store ate my shopping list!!!
Posted by The Queen P at 2:07 AM 6 comments
There are thou happy
Okay so I've been having a rough time focusing on the positive recently. When I say a hard time I mean it's been nearly impossible. I've been on a downward spiral, but no more. Starting today I am going to force myself to be happy and look at all the many blessings I have.
There is this scene in Romeo and Juliette where Romeo is in Friar Lawrence "cell" and whining because he's been banished and he's struggling to look at the positive things that are going on in his life. Friar Lawrence pretty much smacks him in the head and gives him about eight reasons that he should take a chill pill, and after each one he tells him there are thou happy so here are my happys....
First, I have the perfect husband for me. He is a worthy priesthood holder. If I am sad he always makes me smile. ALWAYS without fail. I got some ambiguous medical test results and was terrified. He came home with a fuzzy pink bunny and some peeps. He always puts me first, and even when I know he's having a hard time, he thinks of me. He is wonderful and I couldn't ask for a better honey. He tells me I'm beautiful many times a day. What a wonderful man....There are thou happy.
I have a temple marriage, and the gospel in my life. I have a calling that allows me to be around kids while I'm waiting to have my own, and while my family is so far away. There art thou happy.
I have a wonderful and loving family, who supports me and does their best to help me where they can... There art thou happy.
I have a home that allows me to have my own office space, that I can close off when I'm not working. I feel safe in my home and have plenty of food to eat, and clothes to wear. I have a computer and the ability to learn and feel, and make decisions on my own...there art thou happy.
I have a job that I can work from home, and I can continue to work even after I have kids. It also allows me to pay the bills...there art thou happy.
My husband has a good job where he is appreciated, and makes good money....there art thou happy.
I have time to get to know my husband and get to focus on just him and I. We are working to have children and I know the Lord will bless us when the time is right...there art thou happy.
When we were going to go to visit my family we didn't get stranded because our car was breaking down, because we didn't all the way there. I heard a knocking sound as soon as we got on the freeway so we turned around and the car didn't break down, and will last a little longer...there art thou happy.
15 March 2009
Posted by The Queen P at 5:56 AM 1 comments
Big Love? or Destroying something sacred
I checked this out and it is legit. You can view the following article from TV
guide if you want to see for yourself.
> page 48 of 68)
As an entertainment professional, if you would like to protest, I recommend
complaining to both HBO and the FCC:
HBO is owned by Time Warner:
Time Warner Inc.
One Time Warner Center
New York, NY10019-8016
http://www.hbo.com/apps/submitinfo/contactus/submit. do?title=GeneralInformation& questiontype= generalInformation& questiontype=general
Here are two things your want to RESPECTFULLY say in your own words to HBO:
-I believe it is wrong for HBO to publicly air portions of sacred ceremonies of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints without permission from the
church and based on information given you by someone who has left the church and
may harbor bad feelings toward the church and wish to do it harm.
- If you air such an episode, I will cancel my subscription to all HBO channels
(if you have them), and will not purchase HBO DVDs or any other HBO
entertainment products or packages ever again. Furthermore, I will encourage my
friends and associates to do likewise.
The FCC is the government agency that regulates all broadcast and cable
television. File a complaint expressing your shock and dismay at HBO treating
the sacred ceremonies of any religion with such mockery and disregard, and that
it is shoddy work hiring excommunicated members/enemies of church and giving
them a public pulpit to hurt the church.
To File a complaint with the FCC go to:
-Choose "Broadcast (TV and Radio), Cable, and Satellite Issues" and
then click "NEXT."
-Choose "Broadcast programs showing obscene, profane, and/or indecent
material" then click "NEXT."
- Click on "ONLINE FORM" Fill out the form with your complaint and
> Take a look at the attached pdf and consider writing to
> HBO. I just did.
> This is pretty appalling:
> On Sunday March 15th, the HBO show Big Love is showing an
> episode containing an excommunication as well as temple
> ceremonies.
> They hired an ex-member to help re-create the ceremony,
> rooms, and
> clothing.
> HBO is owned by Time Warner. Send your emails, snail mails,
> phone calls, to both companies to show HBO that we
> won't stand for
> the use of things we consider sacred on their show Big
> Love, which is using
> a
> replica of an endowment room and celestial room to show
> what happens
> in the ceremonies there! Just keep it within Church
> standards please!
> HBO is owned by Time Warner:
> Time Warner Inc.
> One Time Warner Center
> New York, NY10019-8016
> 212.484.8000
http://www.hbo.com/apps/submitinfo/contactus/submit. do?title=GeneralInformation& questiontype= generalInformation& questiontype=general-----
> I do not usually forward emails, but this is something that
> I feel strongly
> about and so I wrote a letter to HBO. I really do not think
> it is right to
> air our temple clothing or ceremonies on-air to achieve
> ratings.
> Love,
> Alysha
> I think this is my first forwarded mass email, but I
> verified it for my self on
> line
> (http://www.tvguidemagsales.com/WeeklyIssues/TVG030909.pdf
> page 48 of 68)
> and I had a visceral reaction to this. It involves
> HBO/Time Warner/Big Love
> airing on 3/15 as part of their show their replication of
> temple clothing and
> inside of the temple. I emailed HBO and will send a letter
> in writing as well
> and encourage you to make your voices heard.
> Thanks,
> Joseph
> Wendy Crompton
> Religion, Identity, and Global Governance (RIGG)
> University of Southern California
> 310/ 430.3405
07 March 2009
Posted by The Queen P at 11:51 PM 6 comments